So today adalah my last day in satellite and I feel sad a lil bit. Sikit je sebab for me department ni adalah yang paling less busy compared to other departments and bolej relaks sikit kat sini. Ward supply adalah my next attachement place and I can't wait to go there :) Rasa sedih pun ada sebab lepasni dah tak masuk satelit, last sem kan.. Surely Im gonna miss satellite so much :( Oh and here's one thing. Setiap hari balik pukul 5 kan, so sometimes lepas balik mandi solat then tidur sampai pukul 7 camtu. Then I found myself to be so weak bila bangun masa maghrib. Rasa lost kejap, where am I, what am I'm doing, kenapa rasa pening2 and then I know tidur waktu maghrib memang tak elok. Memang tak elok tapi kadang2 takde choices sebab penat sangat..
Memang rasa weak gilaa then moody tak tentu pasal hahaha. So pengajaran harini adalah.... Jangan tidur lepas asar dan nak2 dekat maghrib.., :/
Penat memang penat. Tambah2 kalau start from two pm until five tu I had to settle and finish all preparations if Im in lotion section, which is very tiring because it uses the energy, fully. Buat ramai2 pun penat jugak tau hehe ngade betul sikit2 nak penat :/ Eventhough boleh buat kerja sambil duduk, yelah sebab packing je kan but you will feel tired even more. But all in all semua department ada kelebihan dan kekurangan..
Dari situ la kita belajar cope and bersabar dengan kerja2 yang kadang2 memang memenatkan. Idk why but I feel like working is less tiring compared to studying.. I mean studying mcm memerlukan untuk berfikir and complete everything within the time, tapi kalau kerja bila dah tahu apa kena buat then it will be smooth all the way :) Tapii tu bukan la reason taknak sambung lepas ni.. I still have a long way to go.. Sampai bila la nak hidup dalam zon selesa je. I have to move out and think out of the box and cope with everything, because personally I feel experience is priceless. You cant get in anywhere, even some people might tell you their long stories or share their experiences you're still, unable to feel the real thing. Learning is one thing, you might learn something by listening to them but I think learning that comes with experience is way better :) But either way, both okay.