I always amaze on how sakura flowers looks like.
I love the colour and everything about it.
I love to stare at the mountain too.
The sky.
Every morning I would open my windows and sit.
I would stare the sky.
How it amaze me to see that this earth is rotating slowly..but we didn't lose our balance or even fall like following this earth while it rotates...
The buildings is still in its place. The hill is still there.
And suddenly, wow there's a sunrise..
Suddenly it's 12 noon and the sun is right on top of your head.
And then it's 7 p.m.
Once again, I would go to the windows and it's time to shut all of them.
I would stare at the sky again..
It turns darker..and the earth is rotating again..
And suddenly, the sun disappears.
And sudddenly, a moon.. is there :)
Kadang2 waktu mengantuk, aku google gambar bukit and sunrise untuk merehatkan mata.
It works :)
Ada sorang akak ni cakap,
Kalau gambar bukit atau bukit tu sendiri pun dah cantik, macam mana la syurga Allah tu..
mesti lagi cantik kan..
Kalau bunga sakura tu dah cukup cantik bagi kita, macam mana la bunga dekat syurga tu..
Kalau air laut yang kita suka tengok or amaze sebab terlalu cantik warna dia, warna hijau bersih, macam mana la syurga Allah tu kan..
Kalau apa yang ada kat dunia ni pun dah terlalu cantik bagi kita macam Bora-Bora island, Maldives, pulau-pulau yang korang teringin nak pergi tu, pemandangan bukit, pemandangan dari atas flight, atau apa-apa yang korang amaze sebab ianya terlalu cantik dan menenangkan, cuba bayangkan syurga Allah tu macam mana..... :)
Mesti berjuta kali ganda lebih cantik :)
When we see all these signs, it intends to bring us closer to Allah..