Sunday, December 6, 2015

Have you ever felt...

There are some things that I hope I will have the chances to experience them...again.
Before they were taken from me.

I miss those happy environment..I miss those days when everyone is so happy..
And I feel like it is better to have a complete members and live in stress with it rather than,
- Living with incomplete members and having nothing to stress with.

It strikes me for so many times these days..and usually, I lose my power to it.
I don't have the courage to fight it over and all I can do is just, let myself drowned and sink into it.
I don't really care of not having a new best friend or having none because sooner or later, they left. 

And having a more-than-friend-friend is also a vulnerable thing too.
You have no guarantee. There's no guarantee that you will be with the one that you want. Or the one that you'd hope for. 

Have you ever felt like everything is taken up, and you have nothing left to be happy with?
Friends? Family? Family? Family?

And all you want to do is just, stay alone by yourself like forever because every time you want to feel happy or about to be happy, there must be something that came in and ruined it. 

No one really understand how you actually feel.
They can said, I'm here or You can find me but no..
No one really feel.
No one really understand.

and I pushed away words like ;

- You're a strong girl 

 Probably you never see me waking up at 3 a.m crying my eyes out.